New to dogging and what to know a little about it before jumping in the deep end and meeting dogging sluts then read our take on dogging now! What is Dogging? dogging is the broad term used to cover all the sexual outdoor activities that go on. This can be anything from putting on a show from your car, to a gang bang on a picnic table. It all depends on what you’re looking for. Dogging involves exhibitionism and voyeurism and this combination goes hand in hand. The voyeurs are mainly men and the exhibitionists are mainly couples or women who love to attract attention and often invite people to join in. Dogging is predominately something us British enjoy, the open air, countryside and car parks! Click here to check out Strangers4Sex.com, a great site for doggers to arrange meets and chat.
There are a few rules that doggers have in place which are practiced to keep each and every one of you safe at every dogging meet so please read these and take them on board:
Talk to your partner or wife about it – If it’s your first time dogging, then you need to talk about what you’re looking to get out Continue reading Useful dogging information plus pic of dogging slut with her knickers pulled down!